Monday, May 25, 2020

The Challenges of Managing Communication, Leadership and Decision Making Free Essay Example, 1500 words

It is quite essential to state that according to Manz and Neck (1997) the self-managing teams threatens effective group decision making (18). Policies reflect management thinking on basic matters and inform those interested in the activities of the company about the company's intentions regarding them. The role of managers is to level possible disagreements and create a positive climate and atmosphere. In the hospitality sector, cohesive groups and self-managing teams create tension and pressure which has a negative impact on critical analysis and decision-making process. The challenge of management is to restructure (if necessary) self-managing teams and introduce new methods and forms of communication between teams members. Cohesiveness is more likely when members of a team are to gather for a reasonable length of time, and changes occur only slowly. Strict guidelines and rules established by a manager will help to avoid conflict situations and the turnover of members (Bardi 2002 .). Low morale and a negative attitude are often associated with a large number of team members undertaking similar work. This requires realistic planning by which the degree and quality of goal achievement can be determined (Davidson 2003). We will write a custom essay sample on The Challenges of Managing Communication, Leadership and Decision Making or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page In this case, communication and leadership are the main tools used by management to eliminate cultural differences and tension (Beardwell et al 2001).

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